Two years ago some ladies and youth showed me their beautiful banana fiber and papyrus baskets. I brought some back to the U.S. and some of you bought them as gifts. The Rock African Arts begins! Recently the basket ministry overflowed from Uganda to Kenya. In February we trained over 100 weavers with the idea of creating small family businesses, while discipling the weavers at Deliverance Church-Kisumu,Kenya. Everyone was excited to learn a new skill and even the university scholars and businessmen got involved. Creating a product that was not only beautiful, but could sustain a family motivated all of us.
God opened a door with a U.S. basket wholesaler to do a market test in April so everyone jumped on board and we sent our samples to Hong Kong to the company's showroom. Now comes the test. Would we be able to compete with the pricing of China, Vietnam, and Thailand? With the economic situation would the U.S. companies want something new that was more expensive? Would they like the designs, materials and see the baskets as unique? Preliminary reports are good but we needed an order to move into high gear...
Dan Vick, Mark and I began putting together all the production plans, financial forecasts, packing and shipping requirements to "count the costs." Next came the decision of who would go to train the management, launch the home businesses, monitor design and do quality assurance. God was working on our hearts, because Mark and I had total peace about moving to Kenya for a year or so if the Lord wanted us to jump start the project. Being former entrepreneurs we knew what would be involved. God never wastes experience when He gives us skills.
Could God be providing a way for us to continue our work in Africa in a different way? Funds for our usual trips three times a year have dropped off due to the economic downturn. Could He be providing a way for us to return, and at the same time provide the university students the opportunity to gain practical work experience before graduation? Being faith missionaries means being totally flexible and going with the flow. Many times God is multiprocessing more than we ever know. It reminded me of the transformational cycle of the ministry.
Mixed emotions? You know how women are. I love serving in the U.S. as a mentor mom for MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and had hoped to do it next year. Also it is my last year for Bible Study Fellowship next year and I so wanted to complete it. Our daughter Audrey is having our 5th grandchild this summer and the heart tug of the grandkids is ever present. I talked to Audrey the other day and she said, "Mom whatever God's will is for you is fine." Living in Columbus, Ohio we don't see them as frequently as we did when they were in Texas so whether we were in Dallas or Kisumu we would see them the same. God is always in the details. So you see God is doing something. As Mark says," something big is happening underneath the surface but we don't know what it is." Even close friends have said, "go for it, we know how you love Africa." Please pray for us to have clear open doors and closed doors and for wisdom and discernment.