As parents it is hard when you don't see your kids and I have the same feeling about the students that are part of the Rock Family in Africa. Several of them are in transition now and need my presence, guidance and help. Please consider if God would have you be a part of their lives as well by helping top up on funds that I need to go see them.
Joanitah graduates from university this month and is a little nervous about what is ahead. Not having immediate family to be a safety net is scary. It makes me think of how blessed I was when I stepped "out of the nest". My parents were there to encourage me each step of the way. Juliana and John are finishing university in October and we have resumes to write, practice interviews and contacts to make with companies that might want to consider hiring them.
This is just a small picture of the heart connection we have with our scholarship students. It really is a family and the new students who have just joined us are getting to know me and what our expectations are of them. Time spent with them in the cottage will help me understand the hurts they have experienced, their dreams for the future and the plan God has for them.
On past trips I have arranged to rent a cottage where all the students can come and go, cook, and just hang out. On one of the earlier trips all the girls had a sleep over and did “girly things” like our nails and stuff and it was so fun. Making time to listen and encourage in a relaxed environment is what develops the heart connections and allows me to really get to know the students.
While in Uganda we have so much developing at Uganda Christian University with the agriculture project. Our first crop of maize was harvested and sold and we are expanding into dairy cattle.
In Kenya the preschool we helped start in January 2010 is fully self sustainable and Pastor Peter tells me they are adding more teachers this year. He is leading the Rock agriculture project in his village Bouye, and we hope it will support a home for 16 orphans this year.
Below are the specific things I plan to accomplish on this trip:
• Work with Pastor Peter and Joseph, The Rock EA Project manager, on reviewing progress of the new agriculture program in the village of Bouye. Planning the cash flows, marketing, expansion of land and progress towards self sustainability so we can build the home for orphans.
• Meeting with the village committee to discuss the commercial tailoring project, preschool progress, possible expansion of livestock and research that has been completed toward self sustainability and job creation in the village.
• Visit Rock Kingdom Builder families of the business people who have Rock loans.
• Encourage the kids in AWANA at our partner Deliverance churches.
• Teach and encourage the ladies in women's ministry.
• Work with the Uganda Christian University Holding Company team and Ken, the Rock Uganda Project Coordinator, on the cash flows, next crop cycle, and expansion of the dairy cow project. Research the repair and retrofitting of a tractor.
• Meet with Kampala businesses to set up internships for graduating university scholars.
• Encourage recent graduates and discuss future who ministry opportunities. Meet with Emmanuel regarding his plan to help ladies who decide not to abort their babies. He and his wife Sarah both nurses are showing great initiative in developing a self sustainable plan for these young moms based on the Biblical principles we teach at the Rock. Research church community garden to help the moms.
It is easy to donate online at www.rockoutreach.org since time is close for me to travel. I have frequent flyer miles for my airline ticket but need $1,800 for all the other costs associated with the trip and care for our Rock family in Africa. Your prayers and financial help are greatly appreciated.